
Welcome to your brand new WordPress installation powered by the Seravo WordPress project layout. Hopefully you have also decided to host your website with us and to take advantage of all the great features that we provide. We have cleaned up the installation to save you the trouble of removing sample content that you would get with a standard WordPress installation.

Getting Started

If you already have a site setup with us at Seravo you might want to clone that as described in our developer docs.

If you are using our layout with our Vagrant box you already have multiple developer tools installed as described in our GitHub readme. We have provided you with many useful helper commands and default values that will get you started quickly.

Further Questions

If you have any further questions about our services or anything to discuss, don’t hesitate to check out the following resources or contact us at:

  • Knowledge Base at help.seravo.com, when you’re looking for a quick answer to a question about your site hosted at Seravo.
  • Developer Docs at seravo.com/docs, when you’re looking for expert guidance in WordPress development.
  • Customer Support at help@seravo.com, when you need an expert to take a look at a problem with your site.

Oh, and if there is anything you would like to improve with this installation process please open a issue on https://github.com/Seravo/wordpress – or why not submit a pull request straight away in the spirit of open source software! 😉
